Tom Mahach
Lifetime Achievement Award
Once a year Chapter Awards are given to recipients to acknowledge their contribution to our goal of saving and preserving the history of the trails. To select these recipients, the Awards Committee reviews the Letters of Nomination submitted to the chapter for consideration. A member of OCTA, a non-member, or a community entity, such as a business, may be nominated. The majority of awards are Certificates of Appreciation but there are also two specialized awards. A Senior Trail Boss certificate may be awarded by our President, and one Lifetime Achievement Award may be presented to a chapter member in recognition of their many years of service. Please download the Awards Nomination Form and follow the directions for completing and submitting it.
Tom Mahach
Lifetime Achievement Award
Frank Tortorich and Kristin Hostetter
Certificate of Appreciation
2002: Tom Hunt (January)
2002: Dick & Ginny Davis (August)
2003: Mary Mueller
2004: Shann & Bill Rupp
2005: Don Buck
2006: Frank & Mary Ann Tortorich
2007: Pat Loomis
2010: Chuck Dodd
2011: Steve & Patty Knight
2012: Zeke Sicotte
2013: Carol & Hugh March
2014: Fran Taplin
2015: Tom Fee
2016: Richard Silva
2017: Dave Hollecker
2018: John Winner
2019: Bob Evanhoe
2020: Dick Waugh
2023: Dee Owens
2024: Tom Mahach
1994: Jack Steed
1995: Jim McClain
2004: Frank Tortorich
2005: Alison Portello
2006: Tom Dougherty
2007: Richard Silva
2009: Don Buck
2010: Thomas Hunt
2011: Ford & Ellen Osborn
2012: Tom Fee
2013: Dee & Glen Owens
2014: Lloyd Johnson
2015: Dick Waugh
2016: John Winner
2017: Jon Nowlin
2022: Dave Vixie
2023: Jon and Janet Nowlin
2024: Seth Owens
2001: Richard & Orsola Silva; Doyle & Fiona Reed; Beverly & George Hesse; Joe & Jean Ellingson; Joanne Hlinchliff; Rick Maddalena
2002: Chuck Graydon; Ormie Lamson; Virginia Hammerness; Pat Loomis; Gene & Eisal Brantley; Norine Kimmy; Don Wiggins; Paul Sawyer; Bob Pearce; Chuck Dodd
2003: Bill & Beverly Webster; Charles Little; Bernie & Ed Scoles; Ford & Elen Osborn; Doug Crary; Patty Knight; Olive Donaldson; John Krizek; Larry Fritz; Geno Oliver; Jerry Dwyer
2004: Carol March; Jack Clough; Judy Allen; Bob Iverson; Betty McClain; Leslie Fryman; Judy Yandoh
2004: Dave Hollecker; Gary Kurutz; Jim Allison; Mary Ann Tortorich; Jeanette Roberts; Richard Brock.
April 2005: Tom Fee; Jeanne & Bill Watson; Kathy Lewin; Patty Knight; Zeke Sicotte; Curtis Grant
2005: David Vixie
2006: Herman Zittel; Anne-Louise Bennett; Jim McClain; Dave Palmer; Dave Stone; Hugh March
2007: Dave Stone; Jay Stoval; Bob & Cherie Evanhoe; Terry Hardwicke; Dave Johnson; Dana Supernowicz; Bob Shallenberger
2008: Fran Hull & the BLM; Betty Aleck & the Leader-Courier; Linda Sanders & the Fernley Preservation Society; Fernley Parks & Recreation
2009: Kathy Buob; Norine Kimmy; Virginia Hammerness; Jim Rose; Steve Knight
2010: Bob Evanhoe; Vince Correll; Mary Ann Tortorich; Susan McCabe; Stephen Christy; Trash Pros
2011: Jan Petersen; Tom Hunt; Dee Owens; Dave Hollecker; Marilyn Bergum; Scott Lawson
2012: John Winner; Tom Dougherty; Dick Young; Dick Waugh; Ed & Anne Bagne
2013: Dick Waugh; Michael Trueblood; Fran Taplin; Caelan Mayberry; Jim & Denise Moorman; Nancy Fee
2014: Lee Drummel; Larry Schmidt; Mark Wilson; Cal Trans – Caples Lake Crew; Archaeologists: USFS Plumas, & USFS Eldorado
2015: Howdy Hoover; Ken Johnson; Steve Shaw; Dave Freeman; Susie Winner
2016: Herman Zittel; Kathy Koester; Anne & Kirke Wilson; Janet & Jon Nowlin; Phyllis Smith; Adam Welch; Kathleen Buob
2017: Dick Waugh; Dan Murray; Steve Shaw; Rachael Crews-BLM; Chuck Simeca; Priscilla Vanderpas
2018: Duane Jones; Bill Adams; Forrest Bietz & Terrible Travel Center; Bob Evanhoe; Dee Owen; Dave Smythe
2019: Native Daughters of the Golden West Parlor 179 of San Juan Bautista; Bill Holmes; Steve & Donna Shaw; Butte County, California – Search-&-Rescue Unit’s K-9 Team; Dr. Doris Dwyer; Karen Giron & the Truckee Inn; Arnold Coronado; Waste Management
2020-2022: Ken & Jo Johnson; Helen Hankins; Duane Jones; Marlene Smith-Baranzini; Darrell & Cali Wood (Rancho Bosquejo); Francisco Paredes (AKT Ranch); Seth Owens; Bart Johnson & Joe Waggershauser (Wheatland Historical Society); Ryan Wimmer (CalFire)
2023: David Fullerton, Dave Freeman, Dave Loera, Alison Harvey, Bill Holmes, Phyllis Smith
2024: Betty Crockford, Clark Fenton, Jeanne Young, Robin Kimmy, History Expedition Group, Kristin Hostetter